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Church Parking Lot FM Transmission Sunday Services


The Church Board has decided to continue the FM “Drive In” Service as long as we are able and until it's safe to meet face to face.  We will also provide a video recording and audio versions of the service, as long as volunteers feel safe doing so, for those who feel safer worshiping this way.  All three forms are legal yet not all feel safe or have technology to worship one particular way.  We have been praying that the Spirit will be your guide.  We know He does His work efficiently so follow His lead.


Thank you to those who worshiped via “Drive In” as all stayed in their cars.  Thanks for taking social distancing seriously. It’s the only way we can continue to provide this form of worship. Well done!


It was good to wave to you and know you are doing well. A special thanks to the Jewell Kids who created special signs and shared them out the window! These were special moments!


Here are a few tweaks:


·        The channel has moved to 87.9 (Sorry to those who drive Ford vehicles that couldn’t participate due to their radio that didn’t go low enough. Who knew?  We do now and Doug made the adjustment.)


·        Bulletins will be sent to you via email before the weekend. (Thanks Mindy for making this an option.) The thought is you might not want to receive a hard copy when you arrive. We understand!  Or, you may want to have the words to the songs or the order of service available when you worship online. This earlier arrival will help accommodate both styles of worship.


·        Parking will be a little different. (Please follow the parking attendant's guidance. Thanks to Ken who will lead this effort.)


Here are the regular guidelines for the FM “Drive In” service.


·        Service will be held to 45 minutes in length.


·        Restrooms are open for emergency only and we ask that only one person use them at a time.


·        Offering will be received in the tent at the upper drive. You can place it in the basket as you arrive. Or Mail it in to the church- 2981 Swede Hill Rd., Russell, PA 16345 (We understand that your financial picture might be different in these times. Don’t feel obligated to give. Only give as the Spirit directs you. He knows your situation and we know He will guide you. It's Christ's church so he will make it all work out.)


·        Words to the Songs will be in the Bulletin. (You can retrieve it online via email and print from home or pick one up at the tent as you arrive at Church.)  If for some reason you cannot open the attachment in the email, please reach out to Mindy ( or call/text 814-730-2434.  We will make other arrangements for you to receive a bulletin.    


Please reach out to “The Church” via phone, text or email. Please pray for those on our Prayer List. We have a number of people who are having surgery on have medical issues during these tough times. Pray especially for those families who have loved ones in nursing facilities. These families are struggling as contact is limited or forbidden. Pray for a cure. Pray for the health care workers. Pray for the families who have lost loved ones. Pray!


Our Prayers are with you!


Pastor Todd

Wiltsie Community Church



2981 Swede Hill Road
Russell, PA 16345

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